"Step into the future of Quantum"

Open Call for external companies


  • Project acronym: Qu-Test
  • Project topic: Open testing and experimentation of quantum technologies in Europe
  • Project grant agreement number: 101113901

Qu-Test is a Horizon Europe project that develops, upgrades, and provides infrastructure for testing and experimentation of quantum technologies (computing, communication, and sensing) in Europe. Through the Open Call, Qu-Test offers testing and validation services to EU-based companies. The offered services cover testing and characterization of quantum devices and systems for computing, communication, and sensing or application of the instrumentation of the testbeds for diverse industry sectors. In exchange of receiving services, the selected companies will be requested to give feedback on service quality and recommendations for service improvements and better alignment.



The call is open to all EU companies in search of testing & experimentation facilities incorporating cutting-edge technologies in quantum computing, communication, and sensing.  

 Your organisation must be established in one of the member states of the European Union, Iceland, Norway or Israel, with majority ownership and control therein. Successful companies will become parties to the Qu-Test Framework Partnership Agreement and will need to undergo an ownership control assessment required by the European Commission.   

For the eligibility conditions please refer to the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021, Digital, Industry and Space under the call: ‘HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-02-22: Framework Partnership Agreements for open testing and experimentation and for pilot production capabilities for quantum technologies (FPA)’ 



Expertise acquisition

By partnering with experts in the field, applicants can gain insights, knowledge, and guidance. This expertise might include technical knowledge, market insights, regulatory guidance, or business development strategies.

Validation and testing

This process can provide valuable feedback and validation, helping to refine the product, identify potential issues, and improve its market readiness. 

Reduced costs

Testing services are for free (100% funded).  Testing services provided by Qu-Test can represent a significant cost saving as the applicants can access resources and facilities that might otherwise be financially out of reach.

Accelerated development

By leveraging testing results from an independent 3rd party, applicants can accelerate the development timeline of their projects and increase their credibility when seeking additional funding, attracting investors, or engaging with potential customers or partners. 

Network expansion

Working with the Qu-Test network through the Open Call process can expand an applicant’s network. Success in the Open Call can lead to recognition, making it easier to connect with key players and stakeholders.


Preparation phase: Companies are expected to fill out the intake form below to have their ideas pre-screened for technical feasibility.

Evaluation phase: Any submitted proposal will be evaluated in the nearest cut-off by 3 independent evaluators. All proposals will be evaluated (scores ranging from 0 to 5) according to the following criteria:

  • Excellence
  • Impact
  • Implementation

The maximum overall score is 15. The standard threshold for individual criteria is 3 points. Proposals failing to achieve the threshold score per individual criteria will be rejected. Proposals will be ranked according to the overall scores in descending order. Please note that apart from the evaluation of each proposal individually, there will also be a portfolio assessment made by the Evaluation Panel. This assessment will consider the balance in usage of different services offered by the Qu-Test consortium and the capacities of its service providers, which may alter the final ranking of the applications. Evaluation results will be announced approximately 4 weeks after the cut-off date.

Negotiation phase: Successful applicants will be offered the chance to negotiate and define a Joint Implementation Agreement (JIA) with a dedicated Qu-Test Service Delivery Manager. Successful companies will be assisted in joining the Qu-Test Framework Partnership Agreement and undergoing the ownership control assessment (hence the 3-month negotiation period)​.

Service delivery: The entire process from cut-off date until the end of service delivery could take up to 16 months in case that your proposal is selected for funding.


If you are interested in applying to the Call, please follow the steps listed below before submitting your application.

  1. Check out the services of Qu-Test to see if they fit your needs.

  2. Submit Qu-Test intake form for the pre-screening process to discuss technical feasibility, here.

  3. If your intake form receives a positive evaluation, please carefully read the Open Call Application Guidelines.

  4. Download & Submit the Application Form within the application software at https://apply.qu-test.eu.


Intake form

The only way to access our services is through an open call. Please complete the Qu-Test intake form for the pre-screening process to discuss technical feasibility. If you need assistance with applying to the call, please send us your enquiries by email to helpdesk@qu-test.eu